THE PACK Launches The World's First Dog Treat Containing Cultivated Meat

THE PACK Launches The World's First Dog Treat Containing Cultivated Meat

Today, we are delighted to announce the launch of Chick Bites, the world's first dog treat containing cultivated chicken to go commercially on sale.

We have partnered with a fantastic company called Meatly who produce chicken by taking a single cell from a chicken egg just once.

The launch of our Chick Bites treats is a watershed moment for the pet food industry. Cultivated meat offers a tasty, low-carbon, and healthy protein source, which has the potential to eliminate farmed animals from the pet food industry

The product is being released into Pets At Home tomorrow the 7th February in a very limited release at Pets at Home Brentford, London. 

Our Co-Founder Damien Clarkson, will be at Pets at Home tomorrow to greet customers, so if you are able to make it along please come and say hello.

Currently this is just available in-store but as soon as it is available online you will be the first to know. To make sure you receive notifications of any releases please sign up to our newsletter.

And lastly thank you for all your support, we are always trying to move the pet food industry along into the future and today with Meatly and Pets at Home we are delighted to be part of making history.

* Updated analytical constituents for the product can be found below.

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