Get Early Access To THE PACK Equity Crowdfunding Round

Get Early Access To THE PACK Equity Crowdfunding Round

THE PACK opens early access to Crowdcube campaign

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A History Of Commercial Dog Food

A History Of Commercial Dog Food

Commercial dog food has been the norm for the last 150+ years—but is it healthy for our pooches? In this blog, we've got a bone to pick with the traditional dog food industry.

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Vegan Dog Food - THE PACK Answers Your Questions

Vegan Dog Food - THE PACK Answers Your Questions

We’ve answered the most-asked questions on Google related to plant-based pet feeding... Can Dogs Be Vegan? Is It Healthy For Dogs To Be Vegan? Should Dogs Eat Vegetables Every Day? Is Vegan Dog Food Ethical? Is Vegan Dog Food Expensive? Would Vets Recommend Vegan Dog Food? What’s The Best Vegan Dog Food In The UK?

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Help Your Dog Break Up With Beef And Try Vegetarian Meals

Help Your Dog Break Up With Beef And Try Vegetarian Meals

Earlier this week, the first day of October marked World Vegetarian Day, an annual celebration to promote the wag-inducing, life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism. Something we’ve been barking on about at THE PACK for dog years!

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THE PACK Turns One

THE PACK Turns One

Happy Birthday to us! Founders Judy & Damien take a look over the past year of how creating the future of pet food with plant-based dog food has been.

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Top 10 Ways To Reduce Your Dog's Environmental Pawprint

Top 10 Ways To Reduce Your Dog's Environmental Pawprint

So, you and your dog are die-hard puptivists, campaigning to save the planet together! But what if your pup’s pawprint is part of the problem? We’ve picked out 10 simple ways that we can all reduce the environmental impact of our pooches.

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Flexidogian: Reducing Your Dog's Pawprint

Flexidogian: Reducing Your Dog's Pawprint

In this article we explore what a flexidogian diet actually is, and why it might have a greater environmental impact than you think.

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Grain-Free Dog Food. What's The Deal?

Grain-Free Dog Food. What's The Deal?

Grain-free is the buzzword in premium dog food. In this blog we explore the pros and cons of grain and grain-free dog food. 

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How To Keep Your Dog Safe On Different Walks

How To Keep Your Dog Safe On Different Walks

All of us pet parents like to be armed to the max with how best to look after our furry companions. In this blog we explore how to keep our pooches safe on different walkies and adventures.

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Five Ways To Feed THE PACK

Five Ways To Feed THE PACK

Not only is our wet food drool-inducing it is also super versatile. Here are five ways you can make meal times for your pooch fun using our plant powered food.

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Top 10 Things To Do With Your Dog In The UK

Top 10 Things To Do With Your Dog In The UK

Vivian shares her favourite things to do and places to explore in the UK with your pooch. Get ready for some fun filled adventures!

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How We Make Our Dog Food Cruelty Free

How We Make Our Dog Food Cruelty Free

Learn more about what cruelty free dog food actually means and how we as an ethical company ensure all of our plant-based dog food has the nutrients your dog needs to thrive.  

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Lifting The Lid On An Industry In Crisis

Lifting The Lid On An Industry In Crisis

The animal-based food system, which includes meaty dog food, is becoming increasingly vulnerable. In this blog we explore why our existing food system is no longer sustainable.

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Five Inflation Busting Tips For Pet Parents

Five Inflation Busting Tips For Pet Parents

With soaring rates of inflation we’ve put together some top tips for managing the costs of your beloved pooch during this challenging year.

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Is The British Veterinary Association Finally Accepting Vegan Dog Food?

Is The British Veterinary Association Finally Accepting Vegan Dog Food?

It has been a source of bemusement and frustration for advocates of vegan dog food that the British Veterinary Association (BVA) has refused to support plant-based dog diets but the good news is the tide is turning! 

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Is It Safe To Feed A Homemade Diet To Your Dog?

Is It Safe To Feed A Homemade Diet To Your Dog?

All us pawrents love making our dogs happy especially when it comes to food. The idea of cooking your pooch a delicious meal from scratch might sound lovely but in this article we explore the bark side behind homemade meals. 

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Ten Ways To Give Your Dog a Happy Life

Ten Ways To Give Your Dog a Happy Life

Nothing makes a pawrent happier than seeing their furry friend thrive so we’ve picked 10 things you can do to help give your dog a happy and fun life. 

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THE PACK’S Top Five Facts About Dog Food

THE PACK’S Top Five Facts About Dog Food

In the noisy world of pet food trends we’ve dived in nose first and sniffed out five of the most impactful – and science-based – facts about dog food. 

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Six Ways To Celebrate Earth Day With Your Dog

Six Ways To Celebrate Earth Day With Your Dog

We've created a list of ways you can celebrate Earth Day with your furry companion. You can create positive impact on the planet and have fun at the same time. Winner winner plant-based dinner!

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Plant-Based Dog Food Pact On Earth Day

Plant-Based Dog Food Pact On Earth Day

This Earth Day, we’re asking dogs around the world to add more plants into their bowl. Lower your pups environmental pawprint and be part of the pawsitive change by signing THE PACK Plant Pact. 

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Insect Dog Food: Should You Believe The Buzz?

Insect Dog Food: Should You Believe The Buzz?

Insect dog food is a hot trend with it being marketed as sustainable option for eco conscious pet parents. But is insect-based dog food actually a good option? Do more legs really equal less problems? Find out in this article. 

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Vegan Diets For Dogs Are Healthier

Vegan Diets For Dogs Are Healthier

The largest study to date finds that nutritionally complete vegan diets are healthier and safer for dogs than conventional meat-based diets. Read more about the findings in this article. 

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Is Raw Feeding All It's Un(Cooked) Up To Be?

Is Raw Feeding All It's Un(Cooked) Up To Be?

Raw meat feeding is one of the loudest trends in dog food. Pawrents who feed raw swear that wet, uncooked meat is the best thing ever for their ‘tiny wolves’. But find out why the experts disagree.

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Facts Not Fools This April Fool's Day

Facts Not Fools This April Fool's Day

This April Fool's Day instead of being duped by a silly marketing tactic join us in having your eyes wide open and check out some environmental facts that won't make only your dog whimper. Say Facts Not Fools today! 

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Business As A Force For Good: THE PACK Is A Pending B Corp

Business As A Force For Good: THE PACK Is A Pending B Corp

We are so proud to share with our community that THE PACK are a Pending B Corp. In this blog we reveal why joining this global movement of people and companies using business as a force for good is so important to us. 

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Top Five Misconceptions About Dog Food

Top Five Misconceptions About Dog Food

We want to give our four-legged friends the very best in life, and that includes what we put in their bowls every day. But how’s a pawrent supposed to know what the best food is when we’re bombarded with mixed messages about dog diets? In this article we debunk five common myths about dog food. 

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Reasons To Try Veganuary With Your Dog

Reasons To Try Veganuary With Your Dog

This Veganuary, all over the country pet parents are buying or cooking healthy, tasty meat-free meals. In this article we highlight why you should think about taking the meat out of your dogs food this January. 

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Make My Dog Healthier: Five Canine Complaints THE PACK Can Help With

Make My Dog Healthier: Five Canine Complaints THE PACK Can Help With

Has your Spaniel lost his spring? Your Frenchie lost her joie de vivre? Is your Poodle pooped? Don’t worry, THE PACK are here to help! Here are five dog ailments where THE PACK’s vegan dog food can lend a helping paw.

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Calling All Dogs - Sniff Out Our Doggy Adverts Across London

Calling All Dogs - Sniff Out Our Doggy Adverts Across London

Have you ever wondered what ads aimed at dogs would look like? No? Well, we did, so we made them. We thought long and hard about what we wanted to do to for Veganuary, and then it dawned on us. We’re a company that puts dogs first, so why not aim our ads at them? Sniff out the locations of where these ads are here.

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How To Enjoy Veganuary With Your Furry Best Friend

How To Enjoy Veganuary With Your Furry Best Friend

If you are doing Veganuary and want some company why not get your dog involved too! Here is a list of ways you can both enjoy Veganuary together.

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Would Vets Recommend Vegan Dog Food?

Would Vets Recommend Vegan Dog Food?

We all know how many conflicting opinions there are when it comes to what our dogs need so how are we supposed to know how best to feed our pups? In this article find out what vets really think of vegan dog food. 

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How To Transition Your Dog To Vegan Dog Food

How To Transition Your Dog To Vegan Dog Food

Vegan dog food is drool-inducingly delicious, so it can be tempting to give it to your pup all at once, but we don’t advise this. Transitioning your dog slowly when introducing a new food is super important as it gives their tums time to adjust to their delicious new diet. Follow our advice on how transition your dog onto vegan food. 

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Dine With Your Dog This Veganuary

Dine With Your Dog This Veganuary

This Veganuary THE PACK is on the menu at your favourite vegan restaurants up and down the country, enabling dogs and their parents to enjoy tasty vegan food together.

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Happy New Year & Happy Veganuary!

Happy New Year & Happy Veganuary!

After a well-deserved break, all of the team here at THE PACK feel refreshed and we are raring to go for 2022. First up on our agenda this year, Veganuary! 

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What Are The Health Benefits Of A Plant-Based Diet For Dogs?

What Are The Health Benefits Of A Plant-Based Diet For Dogs?

Dogs are in the middle of a health crisis. Find out what the health benefits are when switching to vegan dog food. 

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Sustainable Festive Gift Guide

Sustainable Festive Gift Guide

With Christmas just around the corner we thought we would let you know our favourite eco-friendly and sustainable gift ideas. 

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Black Friday? You Must Be Barking!

Black Friday? You Must Be Barking!

This Black Friday we’re not doing discounts, dodgy deals or silly sales, oh no. We’re joining forces with our charity partner Underdog International to feed dogs in need all over the world.

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Happy World Vegan Day!

Happy World Vegan Day!

Our goal is to get as many pet-parents trying vegan dog food and to celebrate World Vegan Month we're offering 30% off your first order of THE PACK, plant-based wet food for dogs. Simply head to our shop and use the code PLANTPUP30 at the checkout.

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We Can’t Fetch Another Planet COP26

We Can’t Fetch Another Planet COP26

COP26 has missed an important topic as part of their environmental agenda - meat based pet food is fuelling the climate crisis. Find out how your furry companion can lower their pawprint and be part of the positive solution to tackling the climate crisis. 

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A Plant-Based Diet For Dogs Is NOT In Breach Of The Animal Welfare Act

A Plant-Based Diet For Dogs Is NOT In Breach Of The Animal Welfare Act

We are exposing the fake news, diving into the research and want to reassure all the pawrents out there that feeding your dog a plant-based diet is not in breach of the Animal Welfare Act.

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Plant-Based Dog Diets And The Planet

Plant-Based Dog Diets And The Planet

So, you’re a dog person but you’re also a planet person. After all, what self-respecting mutt wants to live in a world without trees to wee on? But it turns out that the food we’re currently feeding our pups is giving our planet indigestion. Learn about how vegan dog food can have a positive impact on the planet. 

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Is It Safe To Feed Vegan Dog Food? Will My Dog Be Healthy?

Is It Safe To Feed Vegan Dog Food? Will My Dog Be Healthy?

Think dogs are carnivores? You must be barking! In this article we explore the topic of vegan dog food and how dogs can thrive on a nutritionally complete and balanced plant-based diet.

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Plant-Based Dog Food Startup THE PACK Attracts Leading Investors

Plant-Based Dog Food Startup THE PACK Attracts Leading Investors

Read about our plans to disrupt the pet food industry, having successfully closed a pre-seed investment round for our new range of vegan dog food.

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